Click Here For The Arizona DUI Penalty Chart

* This chart displays projections of the possible
penalties you could face. Because each person's situation is different and courts and
judges within Arizona differ in how they treat DUI, your outcome could be different.
** What is the difference between a suspension and a revocation? [Also, see §28-3304
& §28-3306] - A suspension has a specific start and end date; when the suspension
period ends, you pay the reinstatement fee and any reapplication fees to restore your
driving privileges. Revocations are indefinite; there is a minimum length of time,
usually one to three years, but the action does not automatically end on that date.
You must go through an investigation process to determine whether it would be safe to
restore your driving privileges. If approved for reinstatement, there are reinstatement
and reapplication fees.
*** Jail Costs: These costs can range from $80.00 to $200.00 for the first day of
incarceration and from $40.00 to $90.00 for remaining days. The final cost depends on
the facility and the court may waive these costs.
**** Ignition Interlock/Deep Lung Air Device: An ignition interlock device is a breath
test machine that is connected to the ignition of your vehicle. In order to start your
car, you must provide a breath sample that is free of alcohol. Once your vehicle is
running, you will periodically have to blow into the device to keep your vehicle
running. If the machine reads alcohol on your breath, its will disable your vehicle,
flash your lights and honk your horn.